L222 The City as Ecosystem
Dr. Heather Reynolds • Indiana University Department of Biology

Assignments and Exams

Deadlines:  Are as noted on the Course Schedule. To maintain fairness in grading, late work will be penalized 5% for each day tardy and cannot be turned in later than one week from the due date. In-class assignments and the final Persuasive Letter cannot be turned in late. Cases of major illness or family emergency must be supported by a note from a physician or other documentation, and require consultation with the instructor. It is your responsibility to consult with the instructor about making up any work missed due to major illness or family emergency.


Format:  Unless requested otherwise, type and paginate all written work.  Assignments are typically submitted electronically to Oncourse in this course, but when you do need to print something, please conserve energy and resources by double siding printing or using recycled paper.






     Direct Service

• Work assisting the community partner on site.
• To ensure credit, this activity needs to be logged according to the community partner's protocols.
• See the Service-learning webpage for more details.

     Project-based Service

• Focused creative work for the community partner. This semester there are 2 short projects, one for each of 2 community partners.
• See the Service-learning webpage for more details

     Service-learning Reflections

Written responses to questions designed to:

  • Generate feedback on service learning.
  • Foster connections between theory (class) and application (service-learning experiences).
  • Encourage exploration of the civic dimensions of course material.

Reflections will be conducted during class time.

Persuasive Letter

• A one-page (single-spaced) letter that picks a campus or city sustainability issue, takes a position, and draws on mastery of the course competencies to make a well-researched and well-argued case for change. The one-page length does not include lengthy headers or a list of References.

Question Sets

• Homework questions on assigned readings, designed to engage students with course material as preparation for more interactive, participatory class time.
• Answers must represent each student’s own, independent work.
• There are 13 Question Sets, and only the 10 highest scores will count towards your grade.

Short Exams

There will be 3 short exams, on February 9th, March 10th and May 3rd.  Short exams are intended to foster review and reflection of preceding course material and its application to real world situations and challenges.

Participation in Class

• Occasional short assignments completed and handed in during class.  These assignments help you to assess your learning and are worth 1 point and contribute to the course participation grade.
• To receive these points, you must be in class on the given day of an in-class assignment, thoughtfully complete the assignment, and hand it in.