~ The City as Ecosystem ~

Spring 2016


Course Readings (Available on Canvas)


1st 8 weeks of Course


The City as Ecosystem?


Reading 1a

Cieslewicz D. 2001. A city ethic for Ôplain members and citizens.Õ The Leopold Outlook. Summer.


Reading 1b      Focus on pages 40-50

Miller GT Jr., Spoolman, SE. 2013. Chapter 3, Ecosystems: What are they and how do they work? In: Environmental Science, 14th Edition. Brooks/Cole CENGAGE Learning, Belmont, CA.


Reading 1c     

Wiland H, Bell D. 2006. The path to sustainability. pp. 1-19 In: Edens lost & found. How ordinary citizens are restoring our great American cities. Chelsea Green Publishing Company, White River Junction, VT.


Biodiverse-City: Human dependence on ecosystems


Reading 2a     

Kronenberg J. 2012. Urban ecosystem services. Sustainable Development Applications 3:13-30. Accessed at:


Reading 2b

Louv R. 2012. Fountains of life. The Mind/body/nature connection. pp. 46-55 in: The nature principle. Reconnecting with life in a virtual age. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.


Reading 3

Tallamy D. 2009. Chapter 1: Restoring natives to suburbia: a call to action, Chapter 2: The vital new role of the suburban garden. pp. 11-25 In: Bringing nature home. How you can sustain wildlife with native plants. Timber Press, Portland, OR.


Reading 4

Williamson KS. 2003. Growing with green infrastructure. Heritage Conservancy. Accessed at:


Science & information literacy


Reading 5a

Miller GT Jr., Spoolman, SE. 2013. Chapter 2, Science. pp. 25-29  In: Environmental Science, 14th Edition. Brooks/Cole CENGAGE Learning, Belmont, CA.


Reading 5b Read the text at the following url

Teaching & Learning Services, University of Maryland Libraries. 2014. Evaluating web sites. Accessed at:


Global change: human domination of ecosystems


Reading 6a Read the text and view the photos at the following urls

Kolbert E. 2011. Enter the age of man. National Geographic 219:70-77. Accessed at: (text) and (photos)


Reading 6b Watch the 26 min video at the following url

National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. 2012. Climate change: lines of evidence. Accessed at:


Reading 6c

Dallessio T. 2015. COP21 Agreements Are Essential to the Future of Cities and the New Urban Agenda. Accessed at:


Reading 7a

Wackernagel M, Rees WE. 1996. Ecological footprints for beginners. pp. 7-30 In: Our ecological footprint. reducing human impact on the earth. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, B.C. Canada.


Reading 7b

Fodor E. 1999. The Endangered Landscape. Pp. 17-28 In: Better Not Bigger. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, B.C. Canada.


Ereserve 7c

Engleman R. 2009. Population sustainability. Scientific American Earth 3.0 19:22-29.



World Population

United States Census Bureau

United Nation Population Division



Sustainability: Human alliance with ecosystems

Reading 8a

Daly HE. 2005. Economics in a full world. Scientific American 293:100-107.


Reading 8b

Rees WE. 1997. Is Ôsustainable cityÕ an Oxymoron? Local Environment 2:303-310.


Reading 8c

Newman P, Jennings I. 2008. Economy and society. pp. 32-62 In: Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems. Island Press, Washington.


Reading 8d OPTONAL

Heinberg R. 2011. The great balloon race. pp. 27-54 In: The end of growth. Adapting to our new economic reality. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, British Columbia, Canada.


2nd 8 weeks of Course


Feeding the City


Reading 9a

Halweil B, Nierenberg D. 2004. Watching what we eat. pp. 68-85 In: L Starke (ed.) State of the world 2004. A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society. Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C. 


Reading 9b

Pollan M. 2006. No bar code. The next revolution in food is just around the corner. Mother Jones May/June 36-45.


Reading 10

Halweil B, Nierenberg D. 2007. Farming the cities. pp. 48-63 In: L Starke (ed.) State of the world 2007. Our urban future. A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society. Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C. 


Powering the City


Reading 11a

U.S. Energy Information AdministrationÕs Energy Explained


Reading 11b

Rollo D, Bane P,  Charbonneau G, Fuqua C, Glaser C, Kimball S, Silberstein J, Travis G, Rhoads SJ. 2009. Redefining prosperity: energy descent and community resilience. Report of the Bloomington Peak Oil Task Force.  Introduction, pp. 1-12. Accessed at:


Reading 12a

Murphy P. 2008. Ch. 8 Plan C - Curtailment and Community. pp. 111-127 in Plan C. Community Survival Strategies for Peak Oil and Climate Change. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, BC.


Reading 12b

Jacobson MZ, Delucchi MA. 2009. A path to sustainable energy. Scientific American 301:58-65.


Zero Waste City


Reading 13a

Story of Stuff. 2007, Official Version. Accessed at:


Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Release Inventory (EPA TRI), 2014. Accessed at: